Study Finds Spain Most Active EU Country

Researchers from the Stanford University in America tracked
average step counts of people across 46 countries based on data from their
The study showed that the average Spaniard walks 5,936steps, putting the country ahead of every other country in the EU. Hong Kong
was the most active country on a global scale, with China and Japan coming in
second and third. Indonesia came in last.
The Spanish proved to be much more active than the rest of
Europe. The rest of the top five was made up of Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech
Republic, and Britain. The Greeks came in last for Europe, averaging around
4,400 steps each day.
The reason behind the research was to assess the correlation
between activity and obesity and heart disease rates. This is one example where
correlation is in fact causation. Hong Kong is one of the most active countries
and also the country with some of the lowest heart disease and obesity rates
there is. Hong Kong was also the country that saw the smallest gap between the
most and least active walkers. The study showed there was also a connection
between the size of this gap and obesity rates.
The Stanford professors refer to it as an “activity in
equality” and say that it is a good indicator of the general health of the
population of a country. Hong Kong scored top in the world with a rating of
22.2, while Spain was able to place in the global top 10 with a rating of 26.1.
Following the data would make the least active countries the
USA, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and Canada – which also happen to be the
countries with the largest carbon footprints in the world per capita.
Given the active nature of Australians however, it looks
like step-count data isn’t enough by itself to determine the health of a
For Spain however, the combination of an outdoors lifestyle,
Mediterranean diet, and solid balance between work and life have apparently
created one of the healthiest countries there is.