Saturday, 30 July 2016

Spanish King Gives Deadline to Politicians to Form New Government

Spanish King Gives Deadline to Politicians to Form New Government

The Spanish King Felipe VI is stepping in to finally end the impasse that has crippled the Spanish government for around eight months now.

King Felipe VI insists that the politicians form a new government
Could this finally spell the end of the political impasse that has seen Spain without a government for eight months?

The signs are definitely there that Spain could have a new government as early as next week. King Felipe VI began the legal procedure that means the acting prime minister has just one week to form a new government.

Since the elections were held once again on June 26, following the failure of the last general election in December, Mariano Rajoy has stayed on as acting Prime Minister while the political parties attempt to come to a deal and form a majority coalition.

King Felipe VI is adamant that there will be no third election and held a meeting with the Speaker of Congress Ana Pastor to discuss the political deals, partnerships, and problems that the country could face. The main aim for King Felipe VI is to finally end the deadlock that Spanish politics has been in since December.

Interestingly enough the Spanish economy has managed to recover quite well during this time and the cost of living has been kept low. Both GDP and job numbers are on the rise. Some industries, such as the real estate industry, are doing very well right now.

There are still many issues that should be addressed at the highest level. One of the most urgent is that Spain may be fined by the EU for going past their deficit containment. As such King Felipe will speak with Rajoy, the head of the Popular Party (PP) to discuss what options he has. As Rajoy was the one who secured the most seats at both elections it is believed that he will be the one who needs to end the deadlock and come up with a solution that works for Spain.

The Socialists staked their own claim for leadership but they failed to get enough support from the other parties. This is one reason things have become so tricky. Many of the smaller parties don’t want to join up with the PP but the socialists, who came in second place, are also having trouble making deals with the other smaller and mid-size parties to create a coalition of their own.

Even though King Felipe is stepping in and issuing this deadline there could still be a third election in Spain, something that very few people at the top of Spanish society and government seem keen about.

Under Article 99 of the Spanish Constitution the monarch must meet with the leading candidates and decide if any of them is the best fit to form a government. Unfortunately the king doesn’t have the power to force them to make a deal.