Monday 6 June 2016

Tesco to Work with El Corte Inglés to Sell UK Goodies in Spanish Stores

Tesco to Work with El Corte Inglés to Sell UK Goodies in Spanish Stores

Its fantastic news for Brits wanting some more home goodies
El Corte Ignlés is known for having it all and, pretty soon, it will have some goodies from Tescos sent from the UK in their stores.

Brits have never had it too tough to get their hands on their favourite foods and goods from home. It’s about to get a whole lot easier too thanks to Tesco signing a deal with Spanish department store chain El Corte Inglés to bring in some of the best of Britain.

The agreement will mean that El Corte Inglés will soon have Tesco-supplied British goods all across Spain such as teas, biscuits and cereals.

This news will no doubt be welcomed by Brits who will be eager to get their hands on even more British goods rather than the local cuisine. The deal also allows Spaniards living in the UK to get a taste of home. This ‘contra’ deal works both ways as Tesco shelves will soon be the home to a range of El Corte Inglés specials.

El Corte Inglés became a player on the British scene last year when they put their products in five Tesco stores in London on a trial basis. The trial worked so well that their products will be entering a wider market including Brighton, Edinburgh, and Cambridge.

This deal gives Tesco a chance to enter the Spanish grocery market as the cost of living in spain is so low which is going to be good for the British chain. They already have a presence in several other European markets such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland, but have been unsuccessful in some markets such as France and Germany.

As this deal works both ways it should help Tesco edge their way into the competitive Spanish market successfully.

Tesco released a statement saying the deal is part of their promise to always deliver new and exciting products to their customers through their world food range. They are trialling the products right now and are excited to see the results.