Saturday 11 March 2017

Spain Unveils Footbridge to the Future

Spain Unveils Footbridge to the Future

It may not be the longest, widest, tallest, or highest pedestrian bridges in the world, but it is the first footbridge of this type anywhere, ever, and is considered to be a milestone by the local authorities of Alcobendas – a Spanish town located just north of Madrid.

The very first 3 D footbridge is the start of things to come

So, do you want to know what makes this bridge so special? Well, we’ll tell you.

This bridge spans a water feature in the Castilla-La Mancha Park. It’s 12 metres long and 1.75 metres wide. The reason that this unassuming bridge is so special is because it is supposedly the very first completely 3D printed bridge made entirely from reinforced concrete. Amsterdam is currently constructed a 3D printed bridge of their own, but theirs is made from stainless steel.

The bridge was designed by the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) in Barcelona. It’s made up of eight sections and took a total of 18 months to put together, with the 3D printing itself handled by Spanish conglomerate Acciona. The unique properties of 3D printing – including that the technique is not limited by moulds, joints, and frameworks – means that the architects were able to create a unique bridge, designed to resemble roots, branches, and other organic forms.

Now we’re left wondering what comes next after 3D printed bridges. Maybe 3D printed houses are in our future, and why not? The academic director of IAAC Areti Markopoulou said it best; 3D printing allows for faster, cheaper, and sustainable construction.

The Dutch Studio DUS Architects are currently working on a 700m2 3D Print Canal House project, which, they claim, can revolutions the construction industry and provide people with more tailor-made solutions forhousing.